Advertise & Sell
3 Products | 3 Days | 4 Social Media Channel
Advertise and Sell your Handmade Products on Authindia’s social media channels and reach a Targeted Audience.
Assured Reach to 50,000+ People
1 Product image with link to your profile/online store to be posted everyday. (3 different products for 3 days)
- Instagram Post + Story
- Facebook Post + Story
- Pinterest Pin
- Linkdein Post
45,000+ Followers | 10,00,000+ Impressions per month
20,000+ Likes | Connected to 30+ Groups
30,00,000+ Views per month | 2 times featured by Pinterest
500+ Exporters and Buyers connected
Once the payment is successful, please share the screenshot along with the images of 3 products and their respective link and content (if any) to “”
NOTE: We only advertise handmade products, handloom, paintings and crafts.