Advertise & Sell
12 Post | 30 Days | 4 Social Media Channels
Advertise and Sell your Handmade Products on Authindia’s social media channels and reach a niche audience.
Assured Reach to 2,50,000+ People
1 Product image with link to your profile/online store to be posted 12 times in 30 Days. (or 12 different products for 12 post).
- Instagram Post + Story
- Facebook Post + Story
- Pinterest (pin to respective board)
- LinkedIn/Twitter Post
and 5 banners of your product will be shared on the Daily News Page of Authindia 5 times in 30 days.
40,000+ Followers | 20,00,000+ Impressions per month
20,000+ Likes | Connected to 30+ Groups
10,00,000+ Views per month | 2 times featured by Pinterest
500+ Exporters and Buyers connected
Once the payment is successful, please share the screenshot along with the images of 12 products and their respective link and content (if any) to “”
NOTE: We only advertise handmade products, handloom, paintings and crafts.