‘Northeast Fortnight’ at India Pavilion Expo 2020 Dubai lay bare the soul of sisterly states
Organized by the India Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, 8 northeastern states of India have been claiming their investment potential and soft power during the ‘Northeast Fortnight’.
This Northeast Fortnight was officially launched on March 6 in the presence of numerous dignitaries from the State, Northeastern Council (NEC), and Ministry of Development of Northeast Region (DONER).
Apart from commercial meetings, the India Pavilion will showcase a welter of cultural acts, including traditional music, dances, performances by well-known bands, fashion presentations emphasizing the region’s unique heritage, and film screenings.
The visiting delegation included- Industry Minister of Assam – Chandramohan Patowari; Sikkim’s Minister of Commerce, Industries, Tourism & Civil Aviation – Bedu Singh Panth; Mizoram’s Minister of Tourism and Sports – Robert Royte; and Advisor of Industries and Commerce of Nagaland – Imnatiba Jamir; and the Mission Director of Assam Skill Development Mission – Adil Khan.

This event aims to press on the region’s economic potential, highlight critical industries such as tourism & hospitality, promote the region’s rich cultural history, including art and culture, as well as foods from these states.
According to UAE News, a few of the Northeast Fortnight’s sessions and conferences incorporated of ‘Conference on Business Opportunities in the Northeast,’ held on March 7. A session on Northeast Tourism Opportunities was also held on March 9, followed by a session on Skill Development on March 11.
Besides, the visiting delegation will hold multiple sessions targeted at highlighting success stories, reforms, and sectors of excellence in order to present the region as a developing section of the country. Startups from these 8 northeastern states will also present their tales of key success and innovations.